J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 28(4); 2019 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2019;28(4):373-381.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.2019.28.4.373    Published online January 13, 2020.
Mediating Effect of Meaning in Life on the Relationship between Social Connectedness and Depression among Middle-aged Women.
Jung A Son, JinJu Kim, Myung Sun Hyun
1Doctoral Course Student, College of Nursing, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea.
2Lecturer, Department of Nursing, An San University, Ansan, Korea.
3Professor, College of Nursing · Research Institute of Nursing Science, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea. mhyun@ajou.ac.kr
This study was conducted to examine the mediating effect of meaning in life on the relationship between social connectedness and depression among middle-aged women. METHODS: A descriptive correlational design was employed. One hundred and forty-two middle-aged women who visited welfare centers or churches in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province participated in the study. The data were collected from May to June, 2019 and analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and multiple linear regression analyses based on Baron and Kenny criteria. RESULTS: Social connectedness was significantly positively correlated with meaning in life (r=.52, p < .001) and negatively with depression (r=−.53, p < .001). Meaning in life was also significantly negatively correlated with depression (r=−.50, p < .001). Furthermore, meaning in life had a significant mediating effect on the relationship between social connectedness and depression (β=−.31, p < .001). CONCLUSION: Our study findings suggest that meaning in life plays an important role in maintaining mental health and well-being for middle-aged women. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a nursing intervention program that can enhance the meaning in life to promote mental health and well-being.
Key Words: Women; Depression; Life; Mental health


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