J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 3(2); 1994 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 1994;3(2):35-46.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.1994.3.2.35    Published online December 31, 1994.
A Study on the Recognition of Psychiatirc nurses for the Right of Psychiatric Patients
Key Sook Kim
National medical center Junior Colledge of Nursing
정신질환자의 권리에 대한 정신과 근무 간호사들의 인식에 관한 연구
국립의료원 간호전문대학
The recognition of the psychiatric patients in our society is different from that for the other patients, in general. The prejudice or incorrect understanding of the psychiatric patients has been widely spreading as a special kind one who are doing unacceptable behaviors, rather than acknowledge them as a patient. But they are actually a patient and deserved to have the right as a human being. Even though they have to be protected because they are lack of self administration and responsbilities, but their freedom should not be restrained or right should not be deprived. The psychiatric nurses who are mostly close position with them are ashed the responbility and function to protect the Patients’ Right. Under the circumstance, this study is to findout how the Psychiatirc nurses recognize the right of Psychiatric Patients, and the factors that influence the right of Patients. The object of the study was 120 nurses who are working in Psychiatric wards of 7 General Hospital and 3 Psychiatric Hospital located Seoul City and nearly cities. The study made during the period from Sep, 22 to Oct, 10. 1994. The used questionnaire was that I modified and supplemented used on the “Patients’ Rights" that is subscale of “The Nursing Autonomy /Patients* Rights Scale” ᆻdiich are developed by Loren Pankratz and Deanna Pankratz. Thd reliability of the questionnaire was Cronbach Alpha=0.827978 which was very high level. The collecteel data was analized by P.C. using S. A.S. and the correlation was found using MANOVA. The findings are as follow : 1. Recognition of the Psychiatric Patients* Right ① Recognition of the Psychiatric Patients* Right was positive in general(M=43.6). It was more positive in questionnaire No.2(M=4.75) but least positiveness in questionnaire No.7(M=2.51). ② The working career of the object in Psychiatric ward, working location and the participation in lecture regarding patients* right stands significant co—relation with “Recognition of Patients* Right." : • Group of working career fo 1—4 years(F=4.14, P=0.01). • Group of nusre working in private psychiatric ward(F=2.85, P=0.04) • Group of nurse who experionced the lecture of Patients* Right (F=6.81, P=0.01) 2. Facilities and sanitary status of psychiatirc ward: In general, mostly the answer was “moderate fair". 3. The attitude of the medical team and general staff toward psychiatric patients : Analysis indicated that most of the object responded “kind and humanly*. 4. Many nurses point out the problems in treatment of the psychiatric patients that : • Training program for the patient to the social life • Change of recognition of the patient from the family and the society • Expansion of expertised nursing manpower


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