The role and ftinction of Psychiatric nurses in Community Mental Health Setting |
SoYaJa Kim |
College of Nursing, Yonsei Univesity |
지역사회 정신보건 사업에서의 정신간호사의 역할과 과제 |
김소야자 |
연세대학교 간호대학 교수 |
Abstract |
In the 30 years following world warll, major changes in concepts of mental health and provision of mental health services have been apparent.
These trends are a product of social ideologies, changing public opinion, fiscial conditions, and new technologies. Deinstitutionalization of mental patients was a movement that aims j:o minimize the amount of care provided in institutional settings and to increase the care provided by outpatient agencies in the community. Case management has been defined as a systematic process of assessment, planning, service coordination and /or referral, and monitoring through which the multiple service needs of clients are met.
Nurses are the most qualified professionals to provide case management services to the chronically mentally ill who are living in the community. Case management optimizes the clienfs self-care capability and provides for quality health care along a continuum, decreases the fragmentation of care, improves the client’s quality of life, and provides for cost containment by the prevention of unnecessary duplication of services or institutionalization. The nurse case manager is the bridge linking community services with those provided by the mental health clinics. Each nurse case manager will act as provider of services in her field of expertise, as well as coordinator of those services provided by others. |