Attitude on Death and Hospice of Hospital Personnels |
Eun Sil Kang1, Hy Hwan Song2, Young Ae Suh3 |
1Department of Nursing, Kosin Uni versity 2Chaplain, Kosin University Hospital 3Nursing Direct er, Kosin University Hospital |
병원 직원들의 임종 및 호스피스에 대한 태도 조사 연구 |
강은실1, 송희완2, 서영애3 |
1고신대학교간호학과교수 2고신대학교복음병원, 원목실장 3고신대학교 복음병원, 간호부장 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study were to find the atti
tude, and the knowledge on death and hospice and
the various factors which influence the attitude and
the knowledge of hospital personnels on a death and
a hospice, furthermore to pro vice the data base for
hospice educational program as personal resource of
the hospice program for terminally ill patients and to
promote the mature attitude on a death and a hos
pice and the posive attitude on their life and death.
Research subjects were 513 hospital staffs of K
medical center in Pusan, Korea.
The data were collected from Feb., to May, 1996. The research tool which developed from literal re view was used for this study.
The results of study were as follows ;
1. The attitude on death 1) 97.9% of the respondants intermittently thought on their deat h.
2) They worried about their death because of pro gression of dying(31.8%), and loss of their life (25.7%) 3) 64.9% of the responants considered the meaning of death as the rest of the future life (life after death) or the peaceful rest, the end of their psycholog activity.
4) 30.1% of the respondants wanted to die at home, 16.4% at hospice ward or a hospice care unit.
5) 63.2% of the respondants wanted to die with their families and ministers, 31.0% with their close families.
6) Of the total respondants, 66.3% observe the death and dying persons.
7) 67.8% of the respondants sincerely thought their death.
8) 55.2% of the respondants communicated with others about their death.
9) 50.5% of the respondants replied that they wanted to complete unfinished things before death. 16.0% wanted to serve the others.
10) 8.5% were interested in leaving something of significance for others.
11) 54.4% of the respondants had the plan to write a will.
12) 65.9% of the respondants believed that there is the world after death.
13) 67.4% of the respondants had a positive attitude to their death, 21.8% had negative attitude to their death.
14) 51.5% of the res ondants r plied that health is the most important thing in their life.
15) 65.5% of the respondants were not satisfied with management of the morgue. 2. Attitude on Hospice 1) 48.0% of the respondants beared about hospice through hospital setting, books or educational curricula (32.0%), and masscom(14.2%).
2) Ideal models of Korean hospice program were suggested the hospice ward or unit in hospital setting (52.6%), home hospice(20.7%), free standing hospice(19.9%), hospice program in total hos 1%), and hospice room in hospital setting(9.0%).
3) Most adequate hospice management institution was a religious or service group with the support of the government(52.6%), the second was a only religious or service group(23.6%), the third hospital governed(16.6%). and the national or public institut.ion(5.7%).
4) The main reasons that hospice program coudn't be carried out in Korea are the lackness in nescessity for hospice prcgram(32.7%), the lackness in understanding of authorities about hospice(28.1%), and economic reason for their hospital (18.3%).
5) Most of the respondants want to establish the hospice ward in general hospital setting(90.3%).
6) Most of the respondants recognize that hospice care must be a role of the medical teams (9().4%).
7) 89.5% of the respondants showed that dying patient want to counsel I to their medical team, but they do not have enough time and chance for counselling.
8) 54.6% of the respondants want to committe in hospice service.
Therefore, following suggestions are recommended.
1) Development of hospice educational program for hospital staffs is recommeded.
2) Home hospice program and medical insurance law for comphrehensive home care are needed.
3) Continous research for theoretical background and philosophical basis for hospice are recommended |
Key Words:
Death; Hospice; Attitudeofhospital personnels |