Development of The Nursing Intervention Protocol for Home HeaKh Care Clients with Mental Health Problems |
Sun Ah Kim |
Assistant Professor, College of Nursing. Yonsei University. Seoul, Korea |
재가 정신질환자를 위한 가정간호 중재 프로토콜 개발 |
김선아 |
연세대학교 간호대학 조교수 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to standardize nursing intervention protocol for home health care clients who have mental health problems.
In this study, ten nursing diagnoses are selected among twenty-one cases of home care nursing records of mentally~ill patients who are registered at public health center during the period of March 1997 to July 1997. The diagnoses choosen from home care nursing records include knowledge deficit, social isolation, ineffective family coping, altered health maintenance, altered thought processes, low self-esteem, powerlessness, sensory-perceptual alterations, noncompliance and caregiver role strain.
For the content validity of the intervention protocol, a number of experts evaluated the nursing intervention lists drived from the preliminary protocol. The clinical validity test was also taken twenty-nine mentally ill patients. The intervention protocol developed in this study can be widely applied to the care of mentally ill patients at community. |
Key Words:
Home Care; Nursing Intervention Protocol; Mental Health Problems |