J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 8(2); 1999 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 1999;8(2):209-224.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.1999.8.2.209    Published online December 31, 1999.
Family Needs of Schizophrenics in the Primary Caregivers and Siblings
Gibza Lee1, Chul-kwon Kim2, Ji-min Sec1
1Department of Nursing, College of Medicine. Pusan National University, Pusan
2YangSan Neuropsychiatric Hospital, YangSan
정신분열병 환자의 주 보호자와 형제자매의 욕구에 대한 연구
이길자1, 김철권2, 서지민1
1부산대학교 의과대학 간호학과
2양산 신경정신병원
The purpose of this study is to assess the various needs of primary caregivers and siblings of schizophrenic patienhi. and to compare differences in the perception of needs between two 4) groups. Faniily needs was assessed by questionnaire which included 4 need domains of 61 items such as knowledge and information of schizophrenia, coping with problematic behaviors, int.rafamilial relationship, and social support and resources. A questionnaire was conducted with 92 primary 5) caregivers and 68 siblings. The results were as follows. 1) Both primary caregivers and siblings of schizophrenics reported strong concern and need in learning more about the cause and prevention of relapse, the degree of recovery 6) under the treatment, the period of taking medication, and the etiology of illness. 2) Excessive depression and pessimism are reported to be a source of the most disturbing to the primary caregivers followed by such problems as unusual speech and behavior, sleeping behavior, anxiety and agitation, and physical anergia. In the siblings of schizophrenics, the refusal to the hospRal admission is the most disturbing behavior followed by unusual speech and behavior, physical anergia, sleeping behavior, and suicidal idea and attempl. In the domain of intrafamilial relationship, both groups showed great interests about the ways to improve communication with ill relatives and the right attitude toward patients. In the domain of social support and resources, both groups reported the strongest need about the ways to improve independent living skills, and followed by coping with stigma of mental illness, financial assistance by government, and vocational rehabilitation. Discriminant analyses revealed that the domain of social support and resources of primary caregivers was significant interaction with marriage status of patient, and the participation of family organization of principal family members. No significant difference was noted in all items of questionnaire between primary caregivers and siblings of schizophrenics, which indicate both groups have the sirrilur needs.
Key Words: Family needs; Family intervention; Schizophrenia
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