J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 9(2); 2000 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2000;9(2):156-169.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.2000.9.2.156    Published online June 30, 2000.
The Hospital Experience of Psychiatric Patient : A Phenomenological Approach
Ji Eun Jung
a psychiatric nurse of Ewha womans medical center
정신질환자의 입원경험에 대한 연구
이화여자대학교 동대문병원 정신과 간호사
The qualitative nursing research used a hermenentic phenomenological approach to discover meaning in the hospital experience of psychiatric unit. The ultimate aim of the inquiry was to discover the essence of psychiatric patient of the hospital experience. This study was guided by Shin Kyung-Rim's method which was modficated Van Manen's for doing research. The method of inquiry included : turing to phenomenom of interest : inquiring and investigating experience an it was lived rather than as conceptualized : reflecting and analyzing essential themes which characterize phenomenon : and describing phenomenon through art of writing and rewriting. Multiple strategies for data collecting were needed : in depth face to face interview : analysis of writing : artistic works : and analysis of examples of phenomenon in art and literature. Although the experience was different for all of the psychiatric patient, essential themes of experience emerged ; fear of the psychiatric department ; knowing of the difference place that I used to be think ; stuffiness out of as a locked prison like : realization from the unexpected meeting with person who unknown : rest in the comfortable environment ; change of the viewpoint about life : identification of the family love : confused suffering which was bothering me : worry about the obscure future. Findings from artistic and creative inquiry further validated findings and meaning discovered. The study illuminated meaning and simul taneously validated the phenomenological research process. Essential themes for understanding psychiatric patient's hospital experience, implications for education, research and practice, direction and need for continuing inquiry were identified.
Key Words: Hospital experience; Psychiatric patient; A phenomenological approach


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