The Homosexual Identity Developmental Process and Mental Health In Korean Gay Men |
Kidong Yeu1, Mihyoung Lee2 |
1Director of Happy Together Club House 2Professor, Department of Nursing, Inha University |
한국 남성의 동성에 성정체성 발달과정과 정신건강 |
여기동1, 이미형2 |
1사회복귀시설 해피투게더 관장 2인하대학교간호학과 교수 |
Mihyoung Lee, Tel: 82-32-860-8205, Fax: 82-32-874-5880, Email: |
Received: 28 April 2006 • Accepted: 21 August 2006 |
Abstract |
Objective: The main purpose of this study was to explain nursing care and the nurse's role by exploring homosexual identity developmental process and to identify mental health in Korean gay men in the context of Korean society and culture.
Methods The research method used was the Focus Group Method with participants for this study being 8 gay men involved in the gay and lesbian human rights association in Seoul. The data were collected through focus group interviews up to data saturation from March 13 to March 26, 2004. Transcripts, field notes, observations and documents were examined by means of Problem-Oriented Analysis. Data collection and analysis were performed simultaneously.
Results The homosexual identity developmental process in Korean gay men was identified as involving 5 temporal stages identity confusion, identity awareness, identity resistance, identity acceptance and identity pride. Homophobia and social discrimination against gays caused severe mental health problems. From this analysis of the developmental process, 3 stages in gay men's mental health problems were identified: high-risk, stable and health promotion. In the high-risk stage, gays suffered from guilty feelings, fear, depression, suicide, self-denial, isolation, difficulty in human relationships, pain and anger. Next, in the stable stage, guilty feelings, shame, self-disgust, impatience and family burden were decreased remarkably after self-acceptance. In the health promotion stage, they were peaceful and happy because they were freed from their psychological distresses with gay pride.
Conclusion This research will increase the understanding of homosexual clients and expand nursing knowledge for critical care. Furthermore, this study might help not only gays and lesbians but also psychiatric and mental health nurse practitioners and professionals such as counselors, supporters and advocates. |
Key Words:
Homosexual; Sexual identity; Mental health |