J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 19(3); 2010 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2010;19(3):329-338.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.2010.19.3.329    Published online September 30, 2010.
Sexual Dysfunction and Related Factors in Married Korean Women.
Hye Young Kim, Eun Sook Lee
1Department of Nursing, Gwangju Women's University, Korea.
2Department of Nursing, Chunnam Techno College, Korea. eslee@chunnam-c.ac.kr
This study was conducted to explore prevalence of sexual dysfunction and to determine factors influencing sexual dysfunction in married women. METHODS: The participants were 372 married women in age 20~59 years. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires which were constructed to include general characteristics items (sociodemographic, health-related, and gynecological characteristics) and the FSFI (Female Sexual Function Index). RESULTS: The mean total FSFI score was 20.6 while the proportion of women with female sexual dysfunction based on FSFI overall scores of 25.0 or less was 57.5%. Sexual dysfunctions were detected as desire problems (48.9%), arousal problems (56.9%), lubrication problems (40.1%), orgasm problems (37.9%), satisfaction problems (39.5%), and pain problems (37.9%). The sexual function of married women was significantly different according to age, job, duration of marriage, education, religion, monthly income, chronic disease, menopausal status, frequencies of delivery and pregnancy. Significant predictors influencing sexual function in married women were post-menopausal state, frequencies of delivery, chronic disease, and peri-menopausal state, and these predictors account for 29% of the variance in sexual dysfunction. CONCLUSION: The results indicate a high prevalence of sexual dysfunction in married women which is comparable with results reported worldwide. Nurses need to be trained and prepared to address this issue.
Key Words: Sexual dysfunction; Women


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