A Phenomenological Study on Lived Experience of Suffering in Suicide Attempters. |
Moon Hee Ko, Miok Lee, Myungsun Yi |
1Department of Nursing, Chodang University, Muan, Korea. 2Seoul National University College of Nursing, Seoul, Korea. okmilee@cdu.ac.kr |
Abstract |
PURPOSE The purpose of the study was to understand essential meanings of suffering experienced by suicide attempters. METHODS: Data were collected in 2009 through individual narrative interviews from 7 suicide attempters. Texts from literary works and movies containing suicide were also included as data. Data were analyzed using the hermeneutic phenomenology of van Manen. RESULTS: Thirteen themes were identified in four dimensions. In the dimension of 'lived body', 'unbearably sweet temptation to death', 'body surrendered by emotional damage', 'chaos in life and death', 'squashed body by the heavy weight of life', and 'loss of meaning in life' were identified. 'The black hole, one is not able to get out' represents the experience in the dimension of 'lived space', 'The moment on the edge of a profound abyss' and 'the worst present and hopeless future' represent 'lived time'. In the dimension of 'lived human relation', 'I who am alone in the world', 'fear of being abandoned', 'unbreakable relationship trap', 'I who am not recognized' and 'guilty feeling' were included. CONCLUSION: Results of the study should be helpful in developing personalized suicide prevention programs by showing the various types of suffering deeply ingrained into the personal history of suicide attempters. |
Key Words:
Attempted suicide; Qualitative research; Psychological stress; Personal narratives; Life change events |