The Effect of MBTI Self Growth Program for Nursing Students. |
Mi Ja Go |
Department of Nursing, Mokpo Science University, Mokpo, Korea. |
Abstract |
PURPOSE This study was done to examine the effects of MBTI self growth program applied to nursing students. METHODS: A non-equivalent control group, pretest-posttest design was used. The participants were 51 nursing students, 24 in the experimental group and 27 in the control group. The MBTI self growth program was conducted for the experimental group once a week for 2 hours for 8 weeks, and not for the control group. For both groups, self-efficacy, anxiety and self-esteem were measured before and after the experiment. Data were analyzed by using chi2-test, t-test, paired t-test, and unpaired t-test. RESULTS: Self-efficacy increased significantly (t=5.08, p<.001) in the experimental group. A significant difference between the two groups was revealed (t=2.81, p=.007). Anxiety decreased significantly (t=-2.93, p=.009) in the experimental group. A significant difference between the two groups was not revealed. Self-esteem increased significantly (t=4.46, p<.001) in the experimental group. A significant difference between the two groups was not revealed. CONCLUSION: Results indicate that the MBTI self growth program has a positive effect on the dependent variables of the experimental group. |
Key Words:
MBTI self growth program; Self-efficacy; Anxiety; Self-esteem |