Nurses' Perceptions of Patient Safety Culture and Patient Safety Activities in Mental Health Hospitals. |
So Young Kim, Kyunghee Lee |
Department of Nursing, Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea. |
Abstract |
PURPOSE This study was done to provide a basis for safer medical services by describing nurses' perception of patient safety culture and patient safety activities, and analyzing factors that affect patient safety management activities among nurses working in mental health hospitals. METHODS: The study participants included 208 nurses with three months or more experience and who worked in one of 14 mental health hospitals. The instruments were the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture and Patient Safety Management Activities Scale. Collected data were analyzed using mean, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient and Stepwise multiple regression with the SPSS/WIN 20.0 program. RESULTS: Perceptions of patient safety culture and patient safety management activities were positively correlated. Factors influencing patient safety management activities were communication and procedures, patient safety in the field, frequency of events reported and attitude of supervisor/manager. The explanatory power for patient safety management activities of these variables was 35.0%. CONCLUSION: A systematic approach at the hospital level is needed to ensure the safety of nurses' work environment as well as to develop patient safety culture to increase patient safety management activities by nurses in mental health hospitals. |
Key Words:
Mental health services; Nurse; Patient safety; Safety management |