Depression of the Elderly in a Korean Urban Area by BDI-II |
Soo Yang, Nam Cho Kim |
College of Nursing. Catholic University of Korea |
Abstract |
This study was conducted to measure the level of depression by BDI-II which has not been used in Korea, and to identify factors influencing depression among the elderly. Data were collected from July to August 2000. Study participants were 301 elderly aged of 60 years or over who were recruited from 9 senior centers located in Seoul, Korea. The questionnaire consisted of demographics and BDI-II by developed by Beck(1996). The data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Stepwise multiple regression.
The results were as follows :
1. The mean score of depression was 17.10土 9.76, which means mild depression by Beck (1996). Of the sample, 116(38.5%) were nondepressed, 72(23.9%) were mildly depressed.
74(24.6%) were moderately depressed, and 39(13.0%) were severely depressed.
2. Regarding the sub-dimensions, depression score was highest in the item of Lost of Interest in Sex. whereas the item-score of Suicidal Thoughts or Wishes was lowest. 3. With respect to the Changes in Sleeping Pattern item, 15.6% subjects reported that they were sleeping more, and 56.1% indicated that they were sleeping less. For changes in Appetite, 57.2% endorsed decreased appetite, whereas 10.4% reported increased appetite.
4. The mean score of depression showed significant differences in terms of following factors: gender, age, existence or absence of a spouse, family resident, education, provider of living expenses, number of going out, number of friends, perceived health status, ADL. knowledge of the cause of depression, thought of prognosis for depression.
5. In the multiple stepwise regression analysis on depression, significant predictors were existence or absence of a spouse, ADL, gender, thought of prognosis for depression, number of going out, family resident. These variables explained 24.9% of depression.
In the light of these results, this study will be further used as a basic data to identify risk factors of depression and to realize the importance of care for depressed elderly. Also, these results showed that the education for the depressed elderly is very important. Therefore much attention has to be paid to elderly from the standpoint of mental health nursing.
We would like to make following suggestions based on the findings of this study :
* The development of intervention program to help the community-dwelling elderly seek treatment modalities are offered.
* Further study research on a development of a model which comprehensive explains depression of the elderly should be needed.
* It is necessary to study systematically the availability of BDI-II with consideration of the cultural differences. |
Key Words:
elderly; depression |