Influencing Factors on Burden and Quality of Life of Main Family Caregivers Caring for Home-Based Psychiatric Patients |
Jung Sug Kim |
Department of Nursing, YeoJoo Institute of Technology |
Abstract |
This study was designed to identify the influencing factors on burden and quality of life family
caregivers caring for home-based psychiatric patients. This purpose of this study was to provide the data base for nursing implementation of home-based psychiatric patients's main caregivers.
The sample were consisted of 69 home-based psychiatric patients's registered books in Y-Kun public health center. The data were gathered from June 1. to October 31, 1999. Burden tool was originally developed by Montgomery, Goynea & Hooyman(1985) and revised to 5 - point Likert type scale. The tool for quality of life was developed by Ro You Ja(1988). SAS/PC+ Program(Ver.6.12) was utilized for data analysis with discriptive statistics, Pearson coefficient correlation and the multiple stepwise regression.
The results of this study are as follows:
1. The average score of burden for main family caregivers was high level (mean score : 69.91), and quality of life was low level (mean score : 138.34).
2. There is nonsignificant negative correlation between the burden of main family caregivers and quality of life main family caregivers.
3. Stepwised multiple regression analysis revealed that predictor of burden was relation with patient, treatment situation of patient. There explanation is 13%.
4. Stepwised multiple regression analysis revealed that predictor of quality of life was age of main family caregivers, diagnosis of patient, admission experience of patient. There explanation is 38 %.
Key Words:
Home-based psychiatric patients; Main family caregivers; Burden; Quality of life