Lived Experience of Psychological Suffering among the North Korean Refugees: Applied to Parse's Human Becoming Research Methodology. |
Hyun Kyoung Kim, Ok Ja Lee |
1Department of Social Work, Howon University, Korea. 2Department of Nursing, Konyang University, Korea. |
Abstract |
PURPOSE This study is to understand experienced trauma of North Korea refugees before entering in South Korean and know how to connect their traumatic experience with the present life. METHODS: 5 members of North Korea refugees were recruited and approved by the producer of phenomenological and heuristic Human Becoming Methodology of Parse in this study. RESULTS: Mental care service for refugees is needed because North Korea refugees were suffered from post traumatic stress for many years after entering South Korea. CONCLUSION: According to the mental health expert, North Korea refugees would be understood in the viewpoint as Human being in the environment and it is necessary to the remedial intervention to maintain their hope of future simultaneously. |
Key Words:
North Korean refugees; Psychological suffering; Parse; Qualitative research |